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Professional Reader Reviews Published 2016 NetGalley Challenge 200 Book Reviews #BookAdvocatesUnite

18 April 2015

❤❤ 3.5 star review of Rattle Me by Ryan Michele ❤❤

After a devastating loss, hope breathes again.

Test after test, the lives of G.T. and Casey are about to take a huge turn. 
Emotions and pain cut deep, and fear burns inside daily. 
Can Casey relax enough to avoid undo stress? 
Can GT handle having zero control?

“This is definitely going to be one hell of a wild ride.”

For all they go through it is about dang time GT and Casey have their happily ever after. Well, okay, maybe not really happily ever's like biker ever after and they deserve it. They go through some rough stuff, so it was nice to see them finally getting what they were asking for. Again, not without it's tribulations and worries and stresses, but they get there. 

It's great to see the way GT will handle the responsibilities. It's also good to see that their loss didn't only affect Casey. AS did their milestone, it also affected him. Casey wasn't the only one who was happy or scared or stressed. Everything they went through, GT was right, they did it together. 

Of course Ryan serves us up some steam with this little dose of happiness, as well as some drama too. A nice healthy dose of happiness, drizzled with sexiness, and topped with a cherry drama on top. 

Ryan does a good job of taking us on a very emotional journey in a small amount of time. I give this book between 3-3.5 stars

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